Extraordinary Outward Bound Experiences

As a lover of the world’s oceans and of water sports – from sailing to wild swimming – you’ll often find me on or in lakes, waterways and seas.
I’ve discovered for myself how being immersed in nature and being challenged physically as well as mentally and emotionally, can unleash extraordinary insights and shifts of perspective. When you have the right guidance and support in these environments, it can lead to transformational change in who you are as a leader and how you operate. 
Where it adds value to the leadership development process, I co-create extraordinary and transformative outward bound experiences with my partners: Angus McChesney at Iconic Swims and adventurer Neil Laughton – that turn the ordinary into the extraordinary.

Neil Laughton

Iconic Swims

Social Responsibility

Sadly, as we are all aware, sea levels are rising and the ocean is strewn with plastic and other pollutants that are having a devastating affect on marine life. It was my seven-year-old son’s passion for sharks and whales that led me to understand how important these species are to the world’s ecosystem and how close they are to extinction.
My efforts are but a ‘drop in the ocean’ but I desperately want to preserve the wonderful maritime heritage that we have so that we can all enjoy it for generations to come. Which is why your work with me will always be part of a contribution to improve the planet and peoples’ lives who live on it. Your work with me will help:

Marine Life

Dr Rachel Graham helps marine wildlife thrive throughout the Tropical Seas and inspire and educate people towards meaningful conservation action. Mar Alliance

Reduce Plastic Pollution

We try to source training materials and goodies that are kind to the planet by using biodegradable or recycled plastics and other sustainable materials to help save the planet.

Human Life

Saving Lives at Sea
The ocean is beautiful but when things go wrong it can quickly turn dangerous. 
The RNLI are mainly volunteers doing an incredible job putting themselves at risk to save others.
Another cause close to my heart is that of refugees. International maritime law stipulates that ships have a clear duty to assist those in distress and that people at risk of losing their lives at sea must be rescued. I support a number of charities, including the RNLI, to help those innocent human beings who undertake perilous journeys across the English Channel and other waterways, to escape oppression and violence in order to create a new purposeful life in a safe place – where they can contribute to our society through their own extraordinary life stories and unique experience. 
Mental Health and Wellbeing
This is important to us all. I am keen to partner on projects that enable people to share their stories in order to help themselves and others. Do get in contact if you’d like to discuss this further.

Are you ready for extraordinary leadership?

Register your interest with Deborah to speak at your event, facilitate an insight session for your executive team or explore our leadership programmes. 

To discuss your specific needs make contact today.